The Jindabyne Central School Careers Department strives to support our students and place them in the best position to make decisions about their future career and life beyond school. We provide a Career Education with opportunties including:
- Year 7 (Thredbo) Careers Awareness Day
- Year 9 Explore Your Future Day
- Access to short courses and qualifications (externally and on site)
- A range of inspiring guest speakers
- Year 10 Work Experience Program
- Careers and subject selections advice to Year 10, 11 & 12 students
- Excursions to university open days including University of Wollongong Discovery Day
- On-site visits to local leading businesses such as Snowy Hydro to explore career options within our region
- Dissemination of up to date careers information to students, parents and staff
- Online Uni Step-Up Program (available to Year 11 & 12 students)
The JCS Careers Department maintains strong connections with our local community which gives our students a great insight into not only local career options but also career pathways beyond our region. This includes unique opportunities such as the chance to complete personal interest projects that simulate working for a client. Recently three JCS students worked in partnership with the Snowy Monaro Regional Counci to produce a ‘Careers at Council’ video to promote them as an employer of choice for traineeships and apprenticeships. This project saw the students gain invaluable real-world skills and experience in videography, interviewing, editing with industry-standard software, and navigating the often-painstaking debate and deliberation that goes along with any creative project. They also met with Council’s communications and workforce teams to get feedback throughout the project. You can see the video which showcases our region here: https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=278687630486790
See further information about just some of the career opportunities for our students below or explore further information using the relevant tabs in the Careers menu.
Online Uni Step-Up: Health
Jindabyne Central School in partnership with the Australian Catholic Uni offers the Uni Step-Up program. It is a chance for students to experience university life by studying a first-year unit online while they are still in year 11 or 12. The program is delivered at no cost to the student with all required learning materials supplied. Students who successfully complete two Uni Step Up units will receive an offer to study a related Bachelor degree at ACU with credit points awarded for both units. Successful completion of one unit means students will receive credit points towards a related ACU undergraduate degree, and a conditional offer for admission.
Year 7 Careers Awareness Day
In partnership with Thredbo, this excursion aims for students to discover at the ‘grass roots’ level the numerous jobs that support the running of a ski resort that operates in winter and summer. Under the Deptartment of Education’s Career Development Continuum K – 12 this targets the concept of “Developing Career Perceptions”.
Year 9 Explore Your Future Day
Jindabyne Central is excited to offer Year 9 students the opportunity to particpate in workshops within the University setting and Vocational Education Training setting. This excursion aims to:
Provide students first-hand experience and exposure to a higher education environment.
Assist students to develop an understanding of the courses and career opportunities available through university study
Explore CIT – and gain an understanding of courses from Trade qualifications, Certificate courses to Diplomas in an Industry Vocational Education Setting.
Raise aspirations of options outside the Jindabyne area.
Debunk common myths associated with future study beyond school.
Careers Adviser: Ms Rayna Green
Phone: 02 6456 2346
Email: jindabyne-c.school@det.nsw.edu.au